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Le role de stéroïde de musculation


Le role de stéroïde de musculation


Le role de stéroïde de musculation


Le role de stéroïde de musculation





























Le role de stéroïde de musculation

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Le role de stéroïde de musculation, cure dianabol transpiration


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Testosterone is the main hormone essential for normal growth, development and function of the male sex organs and male sexual characteristics, cure dianabol transpiration.. This change takes places at the 17 th carbon position and puts Stanozolol into the 17-alpha alkylated C17-aa category. The structural changes made to DHT that give us Stanozolol reduce the hormone s androgenicity dramatically and greatly increase its anabolic activity. Stanozolol carries an Anabolic Rating of 320 and an Androgenic Rating of 20 and real life use will match up to these structural ratings very well. The functions and traits of Stanozolol are numerous and can be best understood by looking at each one individually, cure dianabol transpiration.

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